Access Management Explained

Kertos is a collaborative platform. To achieve collaboration, three core elements work together. These are:

  • Users: The other members of your organization that you assign trainings and policies to

  • Departments: The teams within your organization, such as Marketing, Engineering, etc.

  • Roles: Often, multiple users with different functions work with the same tool, i.e. Data Source. To differentiate between these functions, Roles can be assigned to users for a specific Data Source.


  1. In the navigation bar, go to “Access” and then to “Users”, which will direct you to the user overview.

  2. If you click on an individual user, you will see the user detail view which gives you the following information:

  • First and Last Name: The name of the user.

  • E-Mail: The work E-Mail of the user.

  • Access Level: Whether the user has admin access or basic access to Kertos. The latter applies to employees who only use the platform for policies and trainings.

  • Position: The working title of the user within your organization, for example, Product Manager.

  • Entity: The subsidiary (if applicable) of your organization that the user works in.

  • Department: The department within this subsidiary that the user is working in.

  • Description: Space for further comments and notes.

  • Assigned Data Sources: Data Sources, i.e., Apps, Systems, and applications that the user uses in a specified role.


  1. In the navigation bar, go to “Access” and then to “Roles”, which will direct you to the roles overview.

  2. If you click on an individual role, you will see the role detail view which gives you the following information:

  • Title: How the role is called, e.g. Data Owner.

  • Description: Further explanation of the role, if necessary.

  • Data Source: When creating the role, you have the option to make the role only available for one specific data source, or if you want to share it across data sources.

  • Users with this role: How many users are assigned to a data source under this role.


  1. In the navigation bar, go to “Access” and then to “Departments”, which will direct you to the departments overview.

  2. If you click on an individual department, you will see the department detail view which gives you the following information:

  • Name: Name of the Department.

  • Color: Assign a color for better differentiation.

  • Users: Users working in this department.