Trainings with Kertos explained

In order to be GDPR compliant as a company, employees must be trained accordingly. With Kertos, customers have the opportunity to manage all GDPR training directly through our platform.

Administrators can assign training and educational modules to employees, track progress, and receive an overview of which employees have completed their training and which still need to do so. Employees, on the other hand, can easily access their assigned policies and training materials through the "Knowledge" tab on the left-hand side of the platform.

After watching the instructional videos, employees are required to answer a series of questions to ensure comprehension. The provided screenshots displays the user view.

Completing Trainings as User

Ein Bild, das Text, Software, Multimedia-Software, Website enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

  1. As user click on Knowledge and after on the subset “Trainings” on the left-hand side.  

  2. Choose a training.

  3. The steps required to pass the training are shown on the right-hand side. The user will be guided through the steps via the “Next” button.

Assigning Trainings as Administrator

We offer comprehensive and modular training content that addresses a wide range of security and data protection requirements. This ensures that your employees are fully prepared to meet compliance standards and security demands. Should you require additional training content not currently available in our portfolio, we can create customized modules tailored specifically to your needs.

  1. In Trainings, select the Admin View.

  2. Select the Training you want to assign to users.

  1. Select the departments that you want to assign the training to. If you wish to exclude people from a particular department or include just a few, you can click on the department itself and a sublist of users in that department will appear where you can select more granularly.

  2. Click on “Next” and review your selection.

  3. If everything is correct, click “Done”.